The name of the Union is the Gloucestershire Golf Union (the Union).
2.1 The Union is established in order to:
2.1.1 further the interests of amateur golf:
2.1.2 arrange a County Championship and other matches, meetings and competitions;
2.1.3 co-operate with England Golf and the Royal & Ancient Golf Club St. Andrews;
2.1.4 assist in maintaining a uniform system of handicapping;
2.1.5 co-operate with other County Golf Unions and Associations in such manner as may be decided:
2.1.6 organise such activities as may be considered desirable by the Council for the benefit of Clubs who are
Members at the Union or for their male playing members.
The Union recognises the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews as the ruling authority for determining the rules of golf and the rules of Amateur Status and accepts that all members are bound thereby.
Membership of the Union shall comprise:
4.1.1 Member Clubs Full membership of the Union shall be open to any golf club within the County of
Gloucestershire or surrounding districts whose constitution and rules have been approved by the Unions Executive Committee, which clubs must inter alia:
(a) Recognise the rules at golf as prescribed by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club at St. Andrews.
(b) give control to its members or a committee thereof of the handicapping of its members in accordance with the National Handicapping Scheme in force at the time.
(c) undertake that any amateur golf meeting promoted by the Member Club shall comply with the rules of amateur status as laid down by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the definition of amateur as defined in those rules shall form part of the conditions of such competition.
(d) Conform to and accept the Objects, Rules and Regulations of the Union and the English Golf Union.
4.1.2 Playing Members - All male Playing Members of a Member Club irrespective of membership category.
4.1.3 Honorary Life Members - Such persons as the Union may wish to honor in recognition of services given.
4.2 Admission to Membership:
4.2.1 Applications for Club Membership shall be sent to the Secretary who will refer them to the Executive Committee who shall have the right to approve or reject applications for membership. if an application for membership is refused an applicant may appeal to the Council. When an application is accepted the Club in question will from that time for the purposes of this Constitution become a Member Club (a Member Club).
4.2.2 Playing Members shall be Members as a consequence of their membership of a Member Club.
4.2.3 Honorary Life Membership shall be by invitation at the Council.
4.3 Determination of Membership:
4.3.1 Any Member Club wishing to resign from the Union must give notice in writing to the Secretary on or before the 30th September in any year otherwise such Member shall be liable to pay a sum equivalent too subscription for the ensuing year.
4.3.2 A Playing Member shall cease to be a Member if he ceases to be a Member of a Member Club.
4.3.3 On the termination of membership there shall be no liability on the Union to refund a subscription or any part thereof.
5.1 The Officers of the Union shall be:
(a) a President
(b) a President Elect
(c) an Honorary Treasurer
(d) a Captain
(e) a Vice Captain
(f) a Secretary
(g) two English Golf Union representatives
(h) the Junior Representative
(i) Championship Chairman
(j) Coaching Chairman
(k) Development Officer.
(l) Welfare Officer
5.2 Save for the Secretary, the Officers of the Union shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Union and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall retire but be eligible for re-election.
5.3 The President and Past Presidents of the Union shall decide prior to the Annual General Meeting to nominate a President and President Elect for election at the Annual General Meetings.
5.4 The Captain and past Captains of the Union shall decide prior to the Annual General Meeting to nominate a Captain and Vice Captain for election at the Annual General Meeting.
5.5 The Officers powers and duties shall be defined from time to time by the Council.
5.6 The Secretary shall be an employee of the Union and shall be appointed by the other members of the Executive Committee.
6.1 The Council shall be constituted as follows:
(a) the Officers at the Union
(b) a Representative appointed by each Member Club (the Representative)
6.2 Past Presidents and Honorary Life Members may attend Council Meetings without voting rights.
6.3 Each Member Club may send a Delegate from its Membership to attend Council meetings without voting rights.
6.4 Each Member Club may appoint a deputy to replace a Representative if the Representative is unable to attend any meeting at the Council.
7.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of:
(a) the Officers of the Union
(b) four representatives of the Member Clubs elected by the Council at the Annual General Meeting
(c) the immediate Past President
7.2 The Executive Committee shall meet not less than three times a year.
7.3 Election to the Executive Committee shall be for four years. One member shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election, the members so to retire being those who have been the longest in office since the last election but not reckoning the Officers at the Union. As between members who have been in office the same length at time those due to retire shall be chosen by lot.
7.4 The Executive Committee may co-opt further members who shall be members at a Golf Club within the Union and who shall serve until the conclusion at the next Annual General Meeting after individual co-option provided that the number of co-opted members shall never exceed one third at the total number of Officers and Elected Members of the Executive Committee. Co-opted Members shall set be entitled to vote at meetings of the Executive Committee.
7.5 Any casual vacancy in the Executive Committee may be filled by the Executive Committee and any person appointed to fill such a casual vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Council and shall be eligible for election at that meeting.
7.6 The proceedings of the Executive Committee shall not be invalidated by any failure to elect or defect in the election appointment co-option or qualification of any member.
7.7 The other members of the Executive Committee shall fix the remuneration of the Secretary and of all employees.
7.8 The Executive Committee shall at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting each year elect one of its members to be Chairman.
7.9 The Executive Committee may appoint such special or standing committees as maybe deemed necessary by the Executive Committee and shall determine their terms at reference powers duration and composition. All acts and proceedings of such special or standing committees shall be reported back to the Executive Committee as soon as possible.
8.1 The Annual General Meeting at the Council shall be held not later than the 31 at March in each year in such serve as the Executive Committee shall determine. The Secretary shall give twenty-eight clear days notice to each Member Club. The meeting shall include the following business:
(a) the election of the Officers
(b) the election of the Representatives to some as Members of the Executive Committee
(c) the appointment of an Auditor
(d) to receive and consider the annual report of the Executive Committee
(e) to consider and, if approved, to pass the accounts for the proceeding year
(f) to consider such other matters as may from time to time be necessary
8.2 The Council shall meet on two further occasions during the year at a time appointed by the Executive Committee to receive a report on the workings of the Union and to consider and conduct any special businesses determined by the Executive Committee
8.3 A Special General Meeting of the Council shall be called by not less than seven Member Clubs (or by one Club it called order Clause 14 hereof) giving notice to the Secretary that they require such a meeting. The notice must give reasons for calling the meeting and include a resolution. The Secretary shall within twenty one days of receiving such written request call a meeting of the Union.
8.4 Notices of all meetings (except under Clause 15 hereof) shall be sent to the Member Clubs and all other persons entitled to attend such meetings twenty eight days prior to the date at the meeting. Such notice will give details of the business to be transacted at such meeting and only business at which such notice has been given shall be considered at the meeting. Any proposed amendment to a proposed resolution must be in writing and be recorded by the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting.
8.5 The elected Chairman of the Executive Committee from time to time shall be the Chairman of all meetings of the Council. In his absence that Council shall elect a Chairman for the meeting.
9.1 Only Members of Member Clubs shall be eligible to serve as Officers or Members of the Executive Committee.
9.2 Nominations for the Others or Members of the Executive Committee must be made by Members of the Council in writing and must be in the hands of the Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. Should nominations exceed vacancies election shall be by ballot the arrangements of which shall be made by the Executive Committee.
10.1 Quorum
The quorum at a meeting of the Council or the Executive Committee or of any committee appointed under
Clause 7.9 or 11.1.6 shall be one third of the total membership at the Council, the Executive Committee or committee (as the case may be) or such other number as the Council may in general meeting from time to time determine.
10.2 Voting
Save as otherwise provided all questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. Arrangements for proxy voting may be from time to time made by the Executive Committee. No member of the Council shall exercise more than one vote notwithstanding that he may have been appointed to represent two or more interests but in case of any equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second vote.
10.3 Minutes
Minute books shall be kept by the Secretary and be shall enter in the minute book a record of all proceedings and resolutions. The minutes will be confirmed at the next meeting and will then form a true record.
10.4 Standing Orders and Roles
The Executive Committee shall have the power to adopt and issue standing orders and all the rules for the Union. Such standing orders and/or rules shall come into operation immediately provided that they should be subject to review by the Council in general meeting and shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution.
In furtherance of the Objects of the Union but not otherwise the Council may do all such lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of the Objects of the Union. Including inter alia:
11.1.1 Employ or pay any person or persons to supervise organise and carry on the work of the Union.
11.1.2 Promote and carry out or assist in promoting and carrying out research surveys investigations and publish the useful results of such research survey and investigations.
11.1.3 Collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the objects of the Union and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objects whether in this Country or overseas.
11.1.4 Procure to be written and print publish issue and circulate gratuitously or otherwise such papers books periodicals pamphlets or other documents or films or recorded tapes as shall further the objects of the Union accept gifts and borrow or raise money for such objects on such terms and on such security an shall be thought fit.
11.1.5 Procure contributions to the Union by a levy on the members personal or written appeals public meetings or otherwise.
11.1.6 Appoint sub-committees and determine the composition and the terms of reference and delegated powers of such.
11.1.7 Expel any Member Club from membership of the Union or suspend the handicap of any Playing Member or to inflict other appropriate punishment on any Member Club for breaches of the rules of the Union resolutions of the Union the rates of golf and the rules of the amateur status or fur any conduct which prejudices the interests of the Union or the game.
11.1.8 Invest the money in the Union not immediately required for such objects in or on such investments securities or property as may he thought fit subject nevertheless to such conditions as may for the time being ho imposed or required by law,
11.1.9 The Executive Committee shall exercise all the power of the Council subject to any specific restrictions or conditions which the Council may from time to time determine.
12.1.1 Each Member Club belonging to or forming part of the Union shall pay an Annual Subscription (‘affiliation fee’) at the rate to be decided by the Union in General Meeting for every male playing member and this rate shall include the annual affiliation fee set by England Golf.
12.1.2 Such annual affiliation fees shall be payable once per calendar year and shall be calculated on a per capita basis for every playing member irrespective of membership category as at and paid on a date sixty days after the Member Club’s annual membership renewal date or, if a Member Club does not have one fixed date for renewal of membership for all members, on such date as may be agreed between the Club, Union and England Golf and, failing agreement, the 1 April in each year.
12.1.3 A further affiliation fee payment request with respect to those playing members who may have joined a club since the initial affiliation fee payment was submitted will be issued by the Union where appropriate.
12.1.4 To facilitate the calculation of such annual affiliation fees each Member Club shall complete and submit to the Union an annual affiliation form containing the information required to calculate such annual affiliation fees.
12.1.5 The Executive shall be entitled to take reasonable steps to verify the affiliation fee information and each Member Club agrees to comply with such reasonable steps.
12.1.6 Annual affiliation fees will normally be invoiced to playing members as a disbursement.
12.1.7 If a playing member is a member of more than one Member Club the annual affiliation fee will only be payable once and collected by the ‘home’ club for handicapping purposes. If a playing member has membership at Member Clubs in two or more County Unions an affiliation fee shall be payable in relation to each such County Union.
12.1.8 Failure by a playing member to pay such annual disbursement shall not exonerate his Member Club from its obligation to pay the annual affiliation fee for that playing member.
12.1.9 Failure by a Member Club to pay such affiliation fees on a date sixty days after the Member Club’s annual membership renewal date or on such date agreed between the Club, Union and England Golf the Union may disaffiliate the Member Club. Subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee handicaps of the playing members at that Member Club may also be deemed to be no longer CONGU Handicaps until such time the affiliation fee is paid. Club members may also be denied entry to a County Meeting or match for the period the affiliation fee remains unpaid.
12.1.10 County Honorary Life Members shall pay no County subscription.
12.2 All monies raised by or on behalf of the Union shall be applied to further the objects of the Union and for no other purpose provided that nothing contained in this Constitution shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any employee of the Union or the repayment of reasonable out of pocket expenses.
12.3 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finance of the Union.
12.4 The accounts shall be audited at least once a year by the auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
12.5 An audited statement of the accounts for the last financial year shall be submitted by the Executive Committee to the Annual General Meeting and circulated to the Member Clubs at least fourteen days before that meeting.
12.6 A bank account shall be maintained in the name of the Union which such Bank as the Executive Committee shall from time to time decide. The Executive Committee shall authorise in writing the Honorary Treasurer, the Secretary of the Union and two other Members of the Executive Committee to sign cheques on behalf of the Union. All cheques most be signed by not less than two of the four authorised signatories except the County Secretary, who may sign singularly up to an amount agreed by the Executive (currently £27,500)
13.1 The Executive Committee shall ensure that the Rules and Regulations and objects of the Union are enforced.
13.2 The Executive Committee is authorised to impose such sanction penalties or punishment on any Member Club or other Member it deems necessary to comply with the terms of Clause 13.1.
13.3 Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding sub-clause the Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint and delegate disciplinary powers to a Disciplinary Sub Committee such powers to be exercised in accordance with the terms and conditions of the conduct of disciplinary sub-committees from time to time issued by England Golf.
13.4 The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint and determine the composition terms of reference and delegated powers of such Sub-Committee as shall consider appropriate.
If the Executive Committee decide that a Member Club should be expelled from the Union the Member Club concerned may call a special meeting of the Council to consider its appeal. If a two thirds majority of the Council vote for its expulsion the Member Club shall be expelled. The Chairman of the meeting will not have a second vote.
This Constitution shall he altered only with the assent of not less than two thirds of the Members of the Council entitled to vote at a meeting especially called for the purpose provided that notice of any such proposed alteration shall have been received by the Secretary in writing not less than sixty clear days before the meeting at which the proposed alteration is to be brought forward. At least twenty eight clear days notice in writing of such a meeting setting forth the terms of the alteration proposed shall be sent by the Secretary to each member of the Council.
Any notice may be served by the Secretary on any Member Club or on its appointed representative (as the case may be) either in person or by sending it through the post in a pre-paid first class letter addressed to such Member Club or Representative at his or its last known address in the United Kingdom and any such letter so sent by post shall be deemed to have been received within 10 days of posting.
For the interpretation of this Constitution the Interpretation Act 1978 so far as the content admits shall apply as it applies In the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.
The Union is a non profit making organisation and shall not make you a distribution of any profits or surpluses save to another non profit making body. In the event of the dissolution of the Union, the assets and property of the Union shall be distributed only to non profit making bodies as shall be directed by the Council of the Union.