Gloucestershire Golf Union
The safety and welfare of Juniors in our care is paramount and it is therefore important that we are aware of any illness, medical condition and other relevant health details so that their best interests are addressed. Please complete this form with our assurance that the information will be treated as confidential. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the GGU of any changes at any time. email: In compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, all efforts will be made to ensure that information is accurate, kept up to date and secure and that it is only used in connection with the purpose and activities of the GGU. Information will not be kept once a person is no longer a member of the GGU. Information will be disclosed only to those members of the GGU for whom it is appropriate.
Note: The GGU may, from time-to-time, organise online coaching sessions during which parents may or may not want to supervise their child. County Coaches running the sessions will be SafeGolf Accredited as normal.
The England Golf Membership ID (CDH) No. is a player's unique 10 digit number provided by England Golf and is available from the player's 'home' golf club.
The GGU recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all children in golf. As part of our commitment to ensure their safety we will not permit photographs, video images or other images of your child to be taken or used without your consent.
The GGU will follow the guidance for the use of images of children as detailed within the respective Child Protection Policy and Procedures and will take steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended i.e. your child's coaching or the promotion and celebration of the activities of GGU.
Each year England Golf make significant financial contributions towards a number of county coaching programmes across the country. In order to continue to support future programmes and improve on the quality of coaching, England Golf may ask players to provide feedback on their county coaching experiences. This feedback would typically take the form of a short on-line survey.
To support this process England Golf asks the GGU to provide it with an email address that they can use to directly contact players who are participating in any coaching programme that they make a financial contribution towards.
The financial contribution made by England Golf is significant, and enables it to evaluate the success of current county coaching programmes, which will help to secure continued funding and support for your child's golfing aspirations.
To view the current GGU Polices & Procedures, please click 'here'.
To support your on-going development, we would really like the opportunity to share information with any coaches that support you outside of the GGU Coaching Programme. If you are happy for us to do this, please use the fields below to provide us with the relevant contact details for up to two coaches.
a. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge my child named above does not suffer from any medical condition, allergy, special dietry requirement, disability or special communication needs other than those entered above. Furthermore, I agree to notify the GGU of any changes
b.I hereby give permission for the GGU's responsible person to give the necessary authority for any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be contrary to my child's interest, in the Doctor's medical opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking my personal consent
c.My child has my permission to be on the premises of the golf club hosting a GGU related activity
d.I acknowledge that the GGU is not responsible for providing adult supervision for my child except for formal golf coaching, matches or competitions
e.I agree to my child being transported by representatives of the GGU to and from venues when representing the GGU